
Kawaii Dragon Plushies - PREORDER

Created by Tokyo Girl Designs

An adorable collection of chibi dragon plush toys! For snuggling, or for decoration! Preorders will ship sometime between December 2024 to January 2025!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 11:41:00 AM

We just launched less than an hour ago, and we got a pretty good start so far! 😍💕
Every time I start a new crowdfunding campaign, I’m always a nervous wreck. Of course, all my previous ones were on Kickstarter lol.

I’m super hopeful to get to our goal as quick as possible (first 24 hours if possible 😭 but that’s asking a lot I know…) so we can get down to the most fun part! Stretch Goals and New Designs! 🤩

Thank you so very much everyone who has joined in this campaign!! 💕💕

Launching in just a few hours!
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 07:23:54 AM

Sorry I haven’t done an update sooner. I was completely out of commission. In case you didn’t see it on m TikTok, I’ve been having a lot of morning sickness the past couple few weeks. It’s been a struggle haha!

I’m so excited and nervous at the same time! I’m hoping we can get this project funded super fast!

Don’t forget: Early Bird Tier backers get a discount on the plushies at $40 (they will be $45 later) and will be entered into a giveaway to have your own custom Kawaii Dragon Plushie made! 

Stretch Goal Designs!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 12:34:05 PM

I know the project hasn't even launched yet, and already I have been thinking of the possibility of making more plushie designs! I created a poll to get your guys' opinions of what you would like to see as stretch goals! 

And if you have ideas of a theme you think would make a great Kawaii Dragon design, drop a comment and let me know!

Thank you so much!!

Design change and Celestial Dragon design finished!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 12:06:55 PM

The main design of the plushies has been altered. The ears were moved up. Looks so much better!

The Celestial Design Kawaii Dragon has been completed!

Calypso is the second designed Kawaii Dragon character in this series!

The 3rd design, the Chinese New Year dragon, will be finished in just a couple days!

Launch Date Currently Pending
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 12:58:33 PM

Hey all! Here's my first official project update! ❤️

Launch Info
The Kawaii Dragon Plushies campaign was originally planned to launch on CNY a month ago, but due the time it has taken to make the sample of the original design, it got pushed back to March, and then again to April. The design of the first sample is not complete and the next 2 are currently being made, but I still do not know exactly when it will be completed. I'm hoping they will be done in the next week or 2. As soon as all 3 sample designs are finished, I will have a definitive launch date.

Once I receive the samples, I will get to work with photos and video shoots for promotion that I will share on social media leading up to the launch date!
Contest and Freebies
I will hold a giveaway contest on TikTok before the launch of the campaign where I will give away 1 of each of the 3 designs to 3 different people! This contest will start as soon as the sample designs are complete.

What this means: I am having extra samples made of each design to give away, so the winners of this giveaway will be receiving the plushies right away instead of waiting until production is complete!

Another "contest" I will have is within the campaign itself! Every person who follows the campaign and pledges for a limited early bird plushie tier will be entered into a random drawing. There will be one winner, and the prize will be a custom dragon plushie! The drawing will happen after the campaign ends and winner will be announced within a few days after the campaign ends. However, this contest will be void of course if we do not reach the funding goal of the campaign!
Also, I am working on a 3D model of the kawaii dragon design and will 3D print it into different colored figurines that I will give away to all early bird tier backers! (this is subject to change as I am still making the model)

I'm super excited and can't wait to launch this campaign!