
Kawaii Dragon Plushies - PREORDER

Created by Tokyo Girl Designs

An adorable collection of chibi dragon plush toys! For snuggling, or for decoration! Preorders will ship sometime between December 2024 to January 2025!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Preorder Store is now open!
14 days ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 09:16:15 AM

For those that missed the campaign, or if you have friends and family interested, the preorder store is now open for a limited time!

Here's the Link:

As for shipping update: there will unfortunately be a delay from the original estimated timeframe of when the plushies are going to be shipped to backers. They are still in production and should be finished in the beginning of October. I will keep you guys updated!

Orders are locking TOMORROW!!
28 days ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 05:39:18 PM

Just a reminder that orders are getting locked tomorrow.

Then the following day, August 23rd, I'll be charging cards for the shipping and add ons from the surveys!

Thank you guys!!

REMINDER of Order Locking / Charging Cards - Also, more Kai!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 09:29:28 AM

Just a reminder, I'll be locking orders on August 22nd and then charging cards on August 23rd!

Also, here's Kai's final version!

Kai’s sample, AND new Kawaii Dragon characters!
about 1 month ago – Sat, Aug 10, 2024 at 12:27:37 PM

Kai the Koi Fish Dragon

So they still missed one modification on Kai’s sample 😩 but it’s an easy fix and doesn’t have to be remade. His forehead is too bare and open, gonna bring his eyes up a bit. Other than that, he is finished!

What do you guys think? 🥰

New Kawaii Dragon Characters!!

And here we are! New characters that will be made into plushies! I’m going to post a poll to see who the favorites are and determine who gets put into the initial lineup and who will be stretch goals 🥰

The poll only lets you pick one lol, so please comment if you have multiple favorites! 😍💕

Ellie won’t be in the poll because she is automatically gonna be in the initial goal lineup!

Thank you again everyone for your patience and understanding!! It means a lot to me 😭

Just kidding….? lol
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 09, 2024 at 10:32:53 AM

I’ve stated many times already that I am new to Backerkit and still learning, right?

Cards are not charged until after orders are locked, so I won’t be charging them for another two weeks. I kept getting an email from Backerkit saying it’s time to charge cards, so I guess I just assumed that was the next step 😅

So now… Orders will be locked August 22nd, and cards will be charged August 23rd.

Sorry for the confusion guys!