
Kawaii Dragon Plushies - PREORDER

Created by Tokyo Girl Designs

An adorable collection of chibi dragon plush toys! For snuggling, or for decoration! Preorders will ship sometime between December 2024 to January 2025!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sorry for the super late update!
4 months ago – Thu, May 30, 2024 at 04:33:15 PM

I am so so sorry I haven't posted an update yet or sent out the surveys yet. I literally sat on this for a week and a half not working on anything....

Here's a small update on me... skip if you want lol. I have been battling emotions lately because we got scary news regarding my pregnancy a few weeks ago. We did a blood dna genetic test that came back as low fetal fraction, and when retesting it, it came back the same. This put the baby at a high risk for trisomy 18 and 13 which are fatal genetic disorders. It  put me in a really bad place and I've done a lot of crying over the past couple of weeks. We had an appointment today and saw a genetic councilor who gave us more insight and had an ultrasound done. We were possibly going to perform a more invasive test to get an accurate genetic test done, but decided not to since everything about the pregnancy was normal and after being given all the info from the councilor, we discovered that the odds of genetic problems were not as worrying as we felt.... so for now, everything is fine and we will have a more thorough anatomy  scan in a couple weeks at a certain fetal age and if that also comes back normal, then we are pretty much in the clear.

OK! So there's that... again I am sorry for the delays in everything. Even though surveys are not out yet, production has begun already.

Also, Kai's sample is STILL not finished 😭we have had a lot of hiccups with this one because of his design. First, the hair of the fabric was too long and the printed color wasn't reaching the roots and it just looked.... bad lol. 

So unfortunately this means that we have to use a less hair fabric and Kai won't be as super soft as his friends but this fabric is still nice and soft 😋

After remaking him, there were some errors in the print that are going to be fixed, which means it has to be reprinted again.

Also, the embroidered koi fish designs was made too big on his leg and is going to be redone as well.

Hopefully, you can see how he's turning out amazingly and still love his design ❤️

As for surveys:

I finally made the last bit of changes and fixes to it and waiting for approval on them and will send them out shortly!!

Thank you so so much for your patience guys! ❤️❤️❤️

Surveys are being worked on! And other info....
4 months ago – Mon, May 13, 2024 at 12:10:44 PM

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and mother's day!

I am working on making the surveys, and I have been struggling a little with this because it's quite confusing lol. Not super user friendly 😅 I am getting help with it tomorrow to make sure it's all set up correctly though, so surveys will go out in the next few days!

Also, Kai's sample should be finished by Friday!

Ellie's sample is also being made and is almost finished, but we don't have the funds to get her mass produced 😭 There's a way to set up a kind of post campaign stretch goal, but I'll have to get more info on how this works tomorrow when I have my meeting with Backerkit.

Thanks everyone for your patience! Hope you all have a wonderful day! 💕

Ren's sample is finished! (well... mostly anyway...)
4 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 09:42:59 AM

Ren's sample is finished, with the exception of a slight issue with one of the eyes being slightly higher than the other on the face and this bugs me so it's getting fixed lol.

Kai's sample is almost finished and I will be sending out surveys as soon as it is! So hang tight! And thank you all for your patience!


Update on stretch goal samples and failed payments
5 months ago – Thu, May 02, 2024 at 10:56:14 AM

Hey guys! Quick little reminder here:

Please check your payments! There's a pretty high percentage of failed payments that still need to be adjusted and fixed.

Some banks won't accept payments on crowdfunding purchases and need to be manually accepted. If this is your cause of failed payment, please contact your bank or change your payment method.

If you have a failed payment, please corrected it as soon as you can or you won't be able to get your plushies and freebies.

Also, my manufacture apparently forgot that this week was a labor day holiday (which China celebrates for an entire week and no one works during that time, must be nice LOL). So the samples are not going to be done until next week now.

As I stated before, I will send out surveys after the stretch goal samples are finished so you can see how they look before you decide which ones you want!

Sorry I haven't posted this sooner, it's been a really rough week for me. As a type 1 diabetic, pregnancy takes a toll on my blood sugar levels and it's been making me feel so sick and unwell and have zero energy. Luckily I finally had my appointment with my new endocrinologist a couple days ago and we made adjustments and increased my doses and all that good stuff. So I should be feeling better in the next week or so. =p

Thank you everyone for your patience! 

Campaign has ENDED!
5 months ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 01:04:24 PM

Just a quick update, the campaign has now ENDED! 

Thank you so much everyone for your awesome support! I appreciate you so so so much!

The next thing to happen is funds will be collected from backers, and then once the funds are transferred to me in a couple of weeks, production of the plushies will start.

As this is my first time using Backerkit for crowdfunding, I am still learning how it all works and what not, I need to figure out when I need to send out surveys and set up preorders. I will keep you updated!

Also, I will be randomly picking a winner for the Early Bird backers contest in a couple of weeks after funds have been collected! If you cancelled your pledge before the campaign ended, or if your payment fails and ultimately doesn't go through, you will not be entered into the contest.

Thank you again everyone! ❤️🌸