
Kawaii Dragon Plushies - PREORDER

Created by Tokyo Girl Designs

An adorable collection of chibi dragon plush toys! For snuggling, or for decoration! Preorders will ship sometime between December 2024 to January 2025!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Charging Cards Soon!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 07:22:42 PM

Hey guys!

I mention before that I was going to charge cards from the surveys on August 9th. And that is still the plan! And that will be tomorrow!

Most of you have filled out your surveys already, thank you so much! 

Survey Locking

I will be locking surveys in 2 weeks, so please make sure you made your final choices.


I will also be opening up preorders soon, but please note that if you pledged on the campaign and do a preorder, you will have 2 separate shipments and charged for shipping twice. So if you want to add more to your order, please do so through the surveys 😅


I know this is something I have said several times before lol, BUT... Kai should actually be done soon! Like, tomorrow or Monday. Fingers crossed that there's no issues this time 😭

New Characters!!

ALSO!!!! I am going to reveal the line up of characters for the next Kawaii Dragons campaign soon, coming in a few months (before the end of the year). There's a total of 7 characters. Some of them will be unlocked when the project is fully funded, and some will be stretch goals. Ellie the Fairytale Dragon, who you have seen already, will be one of the main ones to unlock upon funding. I have not made samples for the others yet and won't start them until Kai is done. And I will not start the next campaign until all of the samples of the new characters are done as well haha 😂 I will post a new poll to see who the favorites are 😁💕

Thanks everyone!!!!

Still Waiting 😩
about 2 months ago – Sun, Aug 04, 2024 at 11:29:53 AM

This is officially the only time I have ever had an issue with a manufacturer with delays and slowness…. It has been pretty bad, and I’m so surprised because I have used them before (with my Kitsune plushies) and they were great.

Kai’s sample was not modified correctly this past week, and after complaints and lengthy conversations and phone calls describing the issue and what needs to be fixed, I think we have a better plan and better idea of how to fix the design problem. Instead of waiting weeks for the fabric to be reprinted again, we are working with the fabric (without the printing on it) to ensure we have the anatomy correct and the embroidery correct. And once that is done, then they can use the updated pattern to make the sample with the print on it.

I feel so incredibly bad that this delay is happening. I’m pretty sure my original estimated timeline of fulfillment of these plushies is going to be pushed back, but we shall see. 

I have been working on new dragon character designs, and I am seeing if I can find another manufacturer that can make them the same way and go with someone else this time. I’m unsure I will be able to find a manufacturer to make them the same way.

I will also ensure that I will have samples made for every stretch goal character planned on my next round!

I will see some updates in the next couple of days from my manufacturer, hopefully Kai’s anatomy and design is done right and we can get his production underway and I will have his finished sample to finally show you!

Kai’s sample (almost finished)
about 2 months ago – Sun, Jul 21, 2024 at 11:47:10 AM

Hey everyone!

I was informed by my manufacturer that Kai’s sample should be finished and ready to show in a few days. I greatly appreciate your patience on this, every time they have to make a revision on him, the manufacturer has to have the fabric printed again by their supplier and it’s a lengthy process. I may try to avoid making new designs that require printing on the fabric 😂 (such as the Dead of the Dead design and the Mushroom design).

And with that said, I do plan to run a part 2 of the Kawaii Dragon Plushies! And the first character that will be in this one will be Ellie, the Fairytale dragon, who was the last stretch goal that we did not reach last time.

The other characters, who do not have decided on names yet, will be Storm, Solar, Chaos, Prismatic, and Constellation.

I have ideas for other themes but they aren’t worked on yet.

This next campaign will launch closer to the end of this year and I plan to have all samples made, including the ones for planned stretch goals 😂

Also - I plan to lock surveys and charge cards on August 9th for the funds for the shipping and added items from your surveys! I’ll post another update before then to remind you guys.

All surveys are out!
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 06:53:18 PM

Hey everyone! 

I’m sorry it took a while, but all of the surveys are out! The reason for the delay was because of Kai’s sample being delayed, and it’s still not finished. There seems to be an issue every time the sample is revised, we are working on making Kai’s design as perfect as possible.

Hopefully Kai will be finished soon, if you want to wait to fill out your survey that is totally fine. 

I’m still figuring things out as I go on how this all works, but I believe there’s a point where we are going to cut off survey editing. I’ll give plenty of time though and for sure wait until Kai’s sample is done.

As for an update with me…. lol I’m trucking along. Still constantly fatigue and tired all the time. But the pregnancy is going well and baby is healthy. And also, it’s a girl 🥰💕 we are more than halfway along now, she’s gonna be a Halloween baby! Haha!

Once again, thank you guys so much for your support and patience!! 💕

Smoke Test surveys are out!
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 06:14:49 PM

Hey everyone! The smoke test surveys have gone out, and if you don’t know what that means - it means approximately 5% of backers have been sent their surveys as a test to make sure everything works and is good.

After I get some results and feedback, I’ll send the rest out!

I’m sorry it took this long, I’m usually always on top of everything and going fast but it’s been very hard lately 😪 I had no idea this pregnancy would put me out of commission this bad, my first one was much easier 😂

Kai’s sample is almost finished, I’m still waiting on my manufacturer to get it finished and made correctly. I’ll send out pictures of him again as soon as I get them!

Thank you everyone for your patience! 😭 your support means the world to me! 🥹