
Kawaii Dragon Plushies - PREORDER

Created by Tokyo Girl Designs

An adorable collection of chibi dragon plush toys! For snuggling, or for decoration! Preorders will ship sometime between December 2024 to January 2025!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

So let’s talk about this koi fish….
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 06:10:06 PM

I’ve gotten a lot of feedback about the koi fish design and it is so far winning the vote.

I am talking with my manufacturer about its design to see how we are going to make it the way I want with the different colors of the black and orange mixed on its back and head. I’m pretty sure it’s going to cost more than the other designs so we will factor that into its funding goal.

6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 09:52:17 AM

This is an achievement I have never acquired before... having a project fully funded within the first 24 hours!!

I am so incredibly excited! Thank you guys so so much! This is my dream, and you are helping me make it come true!

Our very first stretch goal is to be unlocked at $10k! And I have other updates and a poll going to gauge interested in the designs I have made for the stretch goals. Please give me your feedback so I can make sure to bring what you guys want to this plushie collection 🥰💕💕💕

Again... THANK YOU!!!

Stretch Goal Designs: Ren and Ellie
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 08:54:02 AM

Ok here they are!! I thought that keeping the designs a secret would be fun but it seems that you guys really want to be able to see them sooner rather than later 😂💕

So here they are! Ren, the Lotus Dragon, is set to be the first stretch goal to be unlocked, no exceptions lol. But I can push Ellie back if other designs are loved more than her.... I actually named Ellie, the Fairytale Dragon, after my 19 month old daughter 🥰

What are your thoughts? Let me know!

Here are the other designs I came up with.
Feel free to change your votes on the poll 😅




Day of the Dead


Stretch Goal ideas… designs revealed!
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 08:13:57 PM

Ok so I got some feedback saying I should show the designs. 

Although I have them all made, they are not finished. I’ll reveal the Koi Fish, Prismatic, and the Chaos designs since these are the 3 highest on the poll for votes. 

Which ones are your favorites? Should I reveal the others?

One more thing… I realized that I never made the early bird prices for the add on plushies. I’ll go ahead and add them for those who want more than 3 plushies, but when the early bird tier for 3 plushies runs out, I’ll be taking away the early bird plushie add on.

Half way there!
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 01:46:19 PM

I can’t believe it… we’re actually halfway there!! Half way to the main goal of this campaign! 😍💕 Thank you guys so so much!!!

Update on Stretch Goals poll:
It looks like the Prismatic Dragon pulled ahead! Followed by Koi Fish and Chaos! I sure do hope we can get some stretch goals unlocked! 🥰

Question: do you want me to reveal the designs? Or keep them secret until shortly before their goals are met?